Do’s and Don’ts for Ambulance Rentals

Whether you are renting an Ambulance for a local event or need an off-road Mobile Treatment Centre (MTC) for an industrial job site, here are a couple Do’s and Don’ts for a smooth rental experience.
– Don’t assume the rental Ambulance will have all the equipment you’ll need
Depending on your jurisdiction, some provinces require different quantities of medical supplies, access to resources (such as water) and certifications for working in that particular area. Check with your OH&S code or consult with your Health and Safety specialist to make sure your unit is compliant.
– Don’t use the rental Ambulance for anything other than patient transportation
This means utilizing the emergency vehicles only for patient transports and for on the job coverage. Using the rental to tow a trailer or as a ride to the bar is against the rental contract and may result in damaging the image of healthcare professionals.
– Don’t represent yourself as a government issued 911 Ambulance
It is a provincial and federal offense to imitate or otherwise disguise as a government service official. Rental Ambulances and Mobile Treatment Centre’s are for private use only and are strictly meant for services hired by contract.
– Do make sure you complete a walk through BEFORE picking up a rental
There can be many surcharges and additional damage charges that can occur during a rental. Make sure the healthcare professional or a company representative completes a full walk through and sign-off before using the emergency vehicle.
– Do ensure you have proper insurance and registration papers inside the rental vehicle
Many Ambulance and Mobile Treatment Centre rentals go to small and medium size companies with fleet insurance policies. In the case where these companies decline the optional insurance, a copy of the fleet insurance must be inside the rental at all times.
– Do follow the regular maintenance schedule for the rental
Some rentals may last months while they provide emergency transport. Make sure the follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance (such as oil changes) provided in the owners manual. The responsibility of optimal vehicle reliability should be the responsibility of the professional that is using the equipment.
Dion Siluch