Kelowna, BC
Edmonton, AB
BC: 1 (778) 721-5732
Alberta: 1 (780) 652-1204

Author: MTC Rentals

Studded Tire Regulations

Depending on which province you work in there are different regulations for studded tires across Canada.             Below is a chart of all the Provinces and their current regulations. Canada Province Studded Tire Regulations British Columbia Permitted Oct. 1 to Apr. 30 Alberta Permitted Year Round Saskatchewan Permitted Year Round…
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High Demand For EMTs And PCPs

In the past OFA3 and EMR personnel were the staple in first aid response. For low to medium risk work with less than 10 people, these personnel were deemed appropriate for the job at hand. Over the past year we’ve seen an increase request for higher level of training across all job sites in Alberta…
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The benefits of Renting an MTC

Ease Of Use If you have ever rented a vehicle from popular rental company such as Enterprise Rent-A-Car or Avis, you know how easy getting into a brand new vehicle can be. Within only minutes you are given the keys to reliable vehicle that will perform its job flawlessly and get you to where you…
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Tips for buying a used MTC

Used MTCs are a lot like used cars in terms of mechanical wear issues, but they also have the added complexity of the medical and electrical equipment in the rear patient compartment. Unlike the average vehicle, a lot of people will be depending on your MTC to function properly, and in many cases the situation…
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Do’s and Don’ts for Ambulance Rentals

Whether you are renting an Ambulance for a local event or need an off-road Mobile Treatment Centre (MTC) for an industrial job site, here are a couple Do’s and Don’ts for a smooth rental experience.   Don’t – Don’t assume the rental Ambulance will have all the equipment you’ll need Depending on your jurisdiction, some…
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Proper cleaning of MTCs and Ambulances

Proper cleaning of MTCs and Ambulances by Dion Siluch There are a couple factors to keep in mind when we are cleaning these types of industrial response units. Because of their remote locations, non-sterile environments and distances from hospitals, it is not possible to keep these units 100% bacteria free and sterile. In the case…
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Life Changing Paramedic Stories – 18 Year Old vs Power Line

Life Changing Paramedic Stories – 18 Year Old vs Power Line by Dion Siluch Motor vehicle accidents are one of the more common calls we go to. Even though they only account for 18% of our 911 calls, they are usually unpredictable and have to highest risk to the paramedics for injuries and screw ups.…
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Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation

Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation – Concert Aug 27 2016 Hello Everyone! Have you ever visited a hospital? Typically the average person stays in a hospital for 9.3 days for after being admitted. Here at MTC Rentals we want to ease the pain of long visits and give back to the people working and making…
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MTC’s that are not CMVSS roller compliant

This past month I was attending the Richie Bros Auction looking for some great deals on trucks. During my time there I noticed a few MTCs manufactured by Travelaire being auctioned and noticed something very interesting. None of the Travelaire MTCs had roller over protection certified by CMVSS for use as an emergency vehicle. This…
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Grande Prairie Success Story

Success Story Today’s success story comes from our local community, Joe lives in Grande Prairie and recently added a new MTC to his service. Thank you Joe for your support and purchasing a Pre Owned MTC from us.